Sunday 17 November 2013

Blogpost #8: Philippine Mermaid Swimming Academy

I haven't experienced got into a mermaid swimming lesson. because in the first place, i dont know that there is such a mermaid academy running here in Philippines. Now that i knew, I was hoping that my family would go back again in boracay, philippines where they are located in. To go there and experienced  to be a mermaid for a day. 

An article entitled: " In the Philippines, there is a School of Mermaid wannabes" by liam roberts in "Students will learn how to swim with a “mono-tail”, make bubble rings and do dolphin kicks and handstands, learning to possess the grace and elegance of mermaids."

The article indicates, that the students are educated by the professional divers and swimmers. and this place is also the best for the person who wants to experienced being a mermaid for two hours. and the article indicates how much will it cost, $62 dollar or 1,500 php for every basic instructing. 

 An article entitled: " Mermaid swimming by philippine mermaid swimming academy" by mage lyden in "make your fantasy come true and escape into the mysterious mythical world of mermaids."

The article said that, It’s the stuff little girls whose walls are adorewith pictures of Disney Princesses dream of. Now when they grow up they can become a little mermaid like Ariel thanks to a school in the Philippines. and the article offers, lessons in how to swim like the mythical creature by  a tail and learning under water breathing techniques.

I learned from every article i read,  dont stop believing onto your dreams to become a mermaid and experienced it, and here this come. a school of mermaid swimming lesson  comes that will bring you to your dream to be one of them for only a low cost.  

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