Sunday 17 November 2013

Blogspot #9: Mermaid in your dreams

 Have you ever dreamed about the mermaids? and do you know what symbolized it is? I, none of those I ever experienced it.   in this article. You will know what is the symbol and what are the effects of it to you as a human. So stay tuned. scroll down and don't missed.

An article entitled: " Mermaid dreams: What they mean. " by Mackenzie Wrigh in "mermaid is reminding yourself that there is more than one side to you" 
The article says that you are focusing too much on one side of you and you have been ignoring the other side of yours. In this situation, your subconscious reminding you that you have to find a balanced  to be healthy and be happy in you daily lifestyle. 

An article entitled: " Dreambible: Mermaid. " by anonymous on To dream of a mermaid represents temptation or clever deceptions "
In this article, you have afeeling or something attarctive that leads you to astray. tells that a situation that enchants before turning on the persons that you interested. 

I had so much learning about this topic. I learned the different meaning of dreaming a mermaid. I just Indicate 2 of them. but they are different of the. the worst part of it. death in your dreams, and on the other side, death in physical. you can encounter this when your in the situation of emotional drowning. 

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