Wednesday 30 October 2013

Blogpost#6: Arts & Literature: Mermaids.

The Little Mermaids of Hans Christian Andersen , Sea Fairies by L frank Baum and other works. These are some work of art about mermaids. Mermaids has been popular at recent centuries in arts and literature. To the point, that almost artist are lure to draw and paint mermaids. These are some works:

The Little Mermaid By Hans Christian Andersen
An article entitled: " Hans Christian Andersen: Taking the fairy out of Fairy Tales." by Sebastian in " The mermaid princess discovers the world above the waters and sees the prince who becomes her obsessive desire. "

In this article, they highlight what the story of the little mermaid is. The feeling curiosity went to this mermaid princess, on what world and what are the creatures above the timid ocean. And because of this curiosity, she disobeyed the rule, not to go beyond the limit. and he saw this handsome prince. First, he was amazed because they were different to each other because she have tails and the humans has none. And because of this, she was obsess to peek at the prince everyday and she became in love of this human and wishing to be one of us. These story line is some of those I read in this article, this articles told that the little mermaid is published in 1837.

The Sea fairies by L. Frank Baum
I found this article, entitled: " The Sea Fairies " by L. Frank Baum in "Strange creatures come from the seas at times, and perhaps in the ocean depths are many, more strange than mortal eye has ever gazed upon. "
In this article, Frank describe some of the parts of the story and what are the benefits will the readers will implement to their selves. He also elaborate that, ocean perhaps the most strangely place because we, humans, we also haven' t seek the underneath of the ocean, we have more discovery or experience to explore under the ocean.

Can you Imagine? How mermaids can influenced a lot of famous people by making mermaids as their main subjects to their beautiful creation. In fact, when I researched, the Arts and Literature of mermaids. There are a lot of beautiful story that were construct back in the past. I learned that mermaid can also be a good subject to the story, because many people were curious about what are they story behind them are they really good or bad for people.

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