Tuesday 8 October 2013

Blogspot #2: Mermaid Syndrome

Sirenomelia or known as Mermaid Syndrome; When I first heard about the news back onto the syndrome. I was so startled, and i can imagined that there are things like that here on earth. but based on what I watched, it is rare to have that syndrome because, one out of 10 is known to have it. It is inborn and few babies can survive it due to internal abnormalities.

According to an article entitled: "Mermaid Syndrome Facts" by Sayali Bedekar Patil in Buzzle.com " The congenital deformity known as mermaid syndrome is a very rare birth deformity, in fact as rare as conjoined twins." 
In this article about the sirenomelia, there are many crucial facts about it based on what I read. As i mentioned earlier,  this syndrome is very rare towards to the new born babies, and are almost 300 who live births as they reported because some of the babies died when they get born. And I also found out that there is also severity levels, this are: Mild Mermaid Syndrome whose two limbs fused into ones but the good thing is small surgery can fixed and formed into a normal legs. And the other one is; Severe Mermaid Syndrome whose two limbs are also fused into ones but there are completely absence of  foot structure and there is no possibility that it can be healed by surgery. 

How heartsick feelings to the families whose babies have mermaid syndrome. It was so hard to believe that babies who previously have a rare syndrome has only  few chances to live and see how beautiful God creations are. Even though there were some born, they can only live up to less than 10 years or sadly after an hour when they we're labored.

This articled entitled: " Mermaid Girl born with her legs fused together dies aged 10 " by daily mail reporter in dailymail.co.uk " An American girl who was born with a rare condition often called 'mermaid syndrome' that meant her legs were fused together, has died aged 10."
This Article catches my eye. When I  was searching for the other information about sirenomelia, i was accidentally get into there site. On the first hand, i was so amazed that there was the only one who survived up to the aged of ten with that syndrome. In this article, i found out that shiloh pepin, the girl with the sirenomelia sydrome has only one patially working kidney when she was alive. back in 2007, she had two kidney transplant. and shiloh has encountered also a pneumonia. who has been get her into risk. But dont you know shiloh had a chance to go to school and reached the fifth grade in Kennebunkport Consolidated School.  and she got also exposed to television, and her stories got featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Now, I've learned so much about mermaids. Not just a common info are scattered on the internet, but I discovered a rare syndrome connected to mermaids. Not just like that,  but I also learned what are the causes and such crucial facts about it. On how it is started, and how many babies are affected presently. 

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