Tuesday 29 October 2013

Blogspot #5: Feegee Mermaid

A head of a juvenile monkey and a tail of a fish, this creature was supposedly a half mammal and half fish version, a version of a traditional mermaid  it is determined because of the physical features. And because of this evidence, prove that. Not all mermaids are beautiful. the feegee mermaids is also spelled as "figi mermaids".

An Article entitled: "The Incredible Myth Behind The feegee Mermaids." by steampunk in environmentalgraffiti.com "Came quite high out of the water, and were not as pretty as they are depicted, for somehow in the face they look like men."
The article tells that, there are some people in the medieval era who have seen some of the moving creature at the ocean at the west indian sea. They detailed that, at the single glance onto this beast is enough to convince that, that was a wrap and it is a mermaid but they was in total shocked because they could not believe of what they have seen. At first, they was confused because that mermaid has a part of human female but the confusing one is, the face of that creature is kinda look  like of a man.

An Article entitled: " Objects of Intrigue: Fiji Mermaids" by Annetta Black in atlasobscura.com " The mermaid most likely originated from Japan where it had been purchased and brought back to the United States by a fisherman "
The article told that, mermaids are totally originated in japan, because a Japanese fisherman was the first who caught a mermaid. And that mermaid was captured and named as Figi mermaid other called as feegee mermaids. And after that, the american purchased the said body of mermaid and brought it to the united states. Many years passed, it was forced to show it to the public for only one week in new york that time. 

As we all known, all mermaids are as beautiful as they look like a princess. but because of this information I knew that not all species of mermaids are beautiful as they are, they also told that asian mermaids are looks like; monkey faced with a tail on it. When I was little, i really dreamed to be a mermaid because of there beauty, pleasure and their magical tails. and because of the information I gathered now, about the other species of it that some of other mermaids are faced like an ape, I doubt hoping to become a mermaid, kidding. I also learned that it was originated at japan. 

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